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Showing posts from August, 2008

WANTED.....your junk mail!!!!

Last year, I collected plastic water bottles for our "faux" crystal creations! This year I need your junk mail! You know the kind - the large postcards from places like Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Gymboree, Pizza Hut, etc. Please save them and send them to me. I promise we will put them to good use and at the same time do our part to save the planet!!! I hope you all are having a great week!

Loving my job!!

Okay, I know it's just my first week back but I was reminded this week why I do what I do....we watched the rain fall - twice this week (Mrs. Kaden and Mrs. Koenig). During our discussion on Right Choice and Safety in the Art room the rain was hitting and sliding down the windows. The children were so intrigued by it that we sat silently and watched. It was awesome! I want them to be aware of the beauty in their world. God blesses us each day, we just have to be still and look for it. Thank you for sharing your children with us, I feel truly blessed!

Welcome Back!!!

I hope you all had a great summer. It was so good to see some of you at the Meet and Greet this morning!  I can't wait to get started. Next week will be our first full week so we will begin with Safety in the Art room. We will also be discussing our Right Choice Rules and how they apply in the Art room. As most of my students know, we always begin each class in prayer. So if you have any special intentions that you would like for us to include, please do not hesitate to send me an email and we will be more than happy to include them. May God Bless our school year at SMCS!!!

Texas Art Educators Show


What a difference one day can make!!

It's that time again!!

What a mess! Thank goodness I have a week before school starts!!