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Showing posts from March, 2012

Here is our version of the bottle cap project that is all over the internet :)

Here's more...

Kindergarten and mosiac crosses

Kindergarten worked on mosaic crosses this week. I didn't want to give them a stencil for the crosses because I wanted them to draw their own. So, of course I heard a lot of "I can't do it, my cross doesn't look like a cross"...etc. That's exactly the reaction that I wanted because I then began to explain to them how all of our crosses are different. Sometimes, our crosses may not even look like crosses but they are and most importantly, they belong to us (and we made them our selves or should I say, He gave them to us).  They probably didn't get the true meaning of my lesson but maybe one day they will....our "crosses" are made specifically for us and they are beautiful because they look like no one else's. For now, I am content that after my explanation they were happy with their little crosses no matter what they looked like....maybe one day they will understand :) Much Love to you! 

Thank you Mr. Patrick Talley!

Waiting patiently to present our illustrations! Thank you Mr. Talley for the opportunity to work with you on this project! -  the students and staff of St. Martha Catholic School
Mr. Patrick Talley will be returning to St. Martha tomorrow, Thursday March 22, to meet with the students who will be presenting their illustrations to him!! Fourth and Fifth grade parents are welcome to join us in the Borski room at 9:30am. Hope to see you there!!